Thursday, August 13, 2020

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia - Y'shtola LD, BT, Kuja LD Board, etc

LD - サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn
・Cancels all enemies break state, grants BRV to party based on own Initial BRV, 6 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack.
・120% BRV grant overflow
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・100% splash HP damage
・Uses 3
・When equipping LD passive or LD weapon, grants [ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily] to self

ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily
・Party ATK 20% up(no changes based on stacks)
・When self recovers HP or grants BRV, raise the stack by 1(Max 3)
・While [ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily] is active, [BRV Attack], [BRV Attack+] turns to [サイオンズ・エアロラ/Aero II of the Seventh Dawn].
・When [ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily] is 3 stacks, [サイオンズ・エアロラ/Aero II of the Seventh Dawn] turns to [ハート・オブ・ミゼリ/Afflatus Misery]

サイオンズ・エアロラ/Aero II of the Seventh Dawn
・Grants BRV to self based on own 100% Initial BRV, 4 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage up
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Split HP damage
・Grants BRV to self based on 20% total dealt HP damage

ハート・オブ・ミゼリ/Afflatus Misery
・Consumes 3 stacks of [ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily], grants BRV to self based on own 100% Initial BRV, 3 times of "2 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack"
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Split HP damage
・After each HP Attack, grants BRV to self based on 20% total dealt HP damage

・Own Initial BRV 20% up, ATK 40% up
[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] BRV damage 10% up

・Own Initial BRV 20% up, ATK 40% up
[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] BRV grant 50% up(100% ⇒ 150%)

・Own Initial BRV 20% up, ATK 40% up
[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] uses + 1

LD Board
When using [サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn]:
⇒BRV Attack becomes 8 Hits, total BRV damage up(XL)
⇒BRV grant overflow 30% up(120% ⇒ 150%)
⇒BRV stolen overflow 30% up(150% ⇒ 180%)

[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] BRV damage 10% up

[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] BRV stolen overflow 10% up

[サイオンズ・エアロラ/Aero II of the Seventh Dawn], [ハート・オブ・ミゼリ/Afflatus Misery] BRV damage 10% up

[サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn] BRV grant 5% up

When using [サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn], BRV grant overflow 5% up

When self has [ブラッドリリー/Blood Lily] buff active, party ATK 5% up

LD Call Ability - サイオンズ・ホーリー/Holy of the Seventh Dawn
When called for assistance, Y'shtola performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV 60% up, cancels all enemies break state, grants BRV to party based on own 80% Initial BRV + 8 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack(100% splash HP damage)
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・150% BRV grant overflow
・180% BRV stolen overflow

Call Ability
When called for assistance, Y'shtola performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV up(M), 4 Hits Earth Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Delay target's turn by 1
・Inflicts [防御力小ダウン/DEF Down(S)] to target

フルHPブーストオール【C】/Full HP Boost All[C]
When own HP max, using CA:
・Party Max BRV up(XS) for 6 Actions

ストーン【C】ランクアップ/Stone[C] Rank Up
When using ストーン【C】/Stone[C]:
・Before BRV Attack, grants BRV to self based on own Initial BRV
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Grants BRV to party based on total dealt HP damage

BT - スピリチュアル・レイ/Spiritual Ray
・Grants BRV to self based on own 250% Initial BRV, 10 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack(Split HP damage)
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・BRV damage limit 200% up(up to 29997)
・BRV stolen, BRV grant limit 200% up(up to 299997)
・After using, grants Burst effect for 6 Actions

Burst Effect
At the start of each party turn, when own BRV exceeds Initial BRV, grants these effects to party:
・ATK 50% up
・BRV stolen overflow 30% up
・BRV damage limit 20% up(up to 11998)
・Dealt HP damage 20% up
※same character burst effect doesn't stack

LD Board 
When using [ホーリースター/Seraphic Star]:
・BRV damage up(XL)
・Party BRV stolen overflow 20% up effect added to [テラのクリスタル/Terra's Crystal]

[ホーリースター/Seraphic Star] BRV damage 10% up

[ホーリースター/Seraphic Star] BRV stolen overflow 10% up

[BRV Attack+++], [HP Attack+++] BRV damage 20% up

[ホーリースター/Seraphic Star] BRV damage 5% up

[ホーリースター/Seraphic Star] BRV stolen overflow 5% up

When using [ホーリースター/Seraphic Star], hitting target's weakness, BRV damage 10% up 

LD Call Ability - ホーリースター/Seraphic Star
When called for assistance, Kuja performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV, ATK 20% up, 7 times of "2 Hits Holy Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack"(Split HP damage)
・Each HP Attack, dispersed BRV Attack based on the number of enemies
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・After last HP Attack(exclude last HP Attack), raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage

Call Ability
リングホーリー【C】/Ring Holy[C]
When called for assistance, Kuja performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV, ATK up(S), 6 Hits Holy AOE Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack
・Dispersed BRV Attack based on the number of enemies
・50% HP damage to other targets
・Inflicts [命の旋律/Soul Cleave] to all enemies for 2 Actions

ウィークブーストアップ【C】/Weak Boost Up[C]
When using BRV Attack, Call Ability, hitting target's weakness:
・Own Max BRV up(S) for 6 Actions

リングホーリー【C】ランクアップ/Ring Holy[C] Rank Up
When using リングホーリー【C】/Ring Holy[C]:
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Extends [命の旋律/Soul Cleave] duration by 2 Actions

ストーンエクステンド/Stone Extend
When using [ストーン/Stone]:
⇒BRV Attack becomes 4 Hits(2 Hits ⇒ 4 Hits), total BRV damage up(XL)
⇒After using, triggers HP Attack
・[ストーン/Stone], [ストーン+/Stone+] requirement changed
 When own BRV 30% or more ⇒ when self has active buffs

・When using [ストーン+/Stone+]:
⇒BRV Attack becomes 4 Hits(2 Hits ⇒ 4 Hits), total BRV damage up(XL)
⇒BRV stolen overflow 30% up(120% ⇒ 150%)
⇒Grants BRV to party based on 20% total dealt HP damage
メディカラエクステンド/Medica II Extend
・[メディカラMedica II] uses + 2(Max 5 ⇒ 7)
・When using [メディカラMedica II]:
⇒Recover party HP based on each 20% Max HP
⇒Doesn't spend turn except friend support, in summon, burst

7* Armor 
・Party ATK 5% up
・Party Max BRV, HP damage 5% up(up to 104998)

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