Sunday, February 7, 2021

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia - Cid Raines, Mog 7* Armor.

Ability 1 - ルインガストーム/Ruinga Storm
・2 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack(Split HP damage)
・Grants [騎兵隊を束ねる者/Cavalry Commander] to self for 3 ACT

※騎兵隊を束ねる者/Cavalry Commander
・ATK 20% up
・Max BRV 20% up
・When self launching target, triggers [インパクトストライク/Impact Strike] after party's chase

◎インパクトストライク/Impact Strike
・Grants BRV to self based on own 30% Max BRV, Ignores DEF 3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
+ raises own BRV based on dealt HP damage
+ Ignores DEF 3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Grants BRV to self based on 20% total dealt HP damage

15 CP Weapon 
When using [ルインガストーム/Ruinga Storm]:
・BRV damage up
・Dealt BRV damage x1.6 when attacking single target
・Extends [騎兵隊を束ねる者/Cavalry Commander] duration

C.Lv55 - ルインガストームエクステンド/Ruinga Storm Extend

When using [ルインガストーム/Ruinga Storm]:
・Grants BRV to self based on own Max BRV
・BRV Attack becomes 5 Hits, total BRV damage up(XL)
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・Raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage

While [騎兵隊を束ねる者/Cavalry Commander] is active:
・[BRV Attack] turns  to [BRV Attack+]
・[HP Attack] turns  to [HP Attack+]

◎BRV Attack+
・3 Hits Magic BRV Attack

◎HP Attack+
・2 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Splash 20% HP damage

 Ability 2 - キャバルリーラッシュ/Cavalry Rush
・3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Grants BRV to party(except self) based on 50%(with Extend) dealt HP damage
・Makes the target easier to be launched

35 CP Weapon

When using [キャバルリーラッシュ/Cavalry Rush]:

・BRV damage up

・Easier to launch up

C.Lv60 - キャバルリーラッシュエクステンド/Cavalry Rush Extend

・[キャバルリーラッシュ/Cavalry Rush] uses + 1

When using [キャバルリーラッシュ/Cavalry Rush]:
・BRV Attack becomes 6 Hits, total BRV damage up(XL)
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・BRV grant based on dealt HP damage up(S)
・Selected party member acts after self
 EX -セラフィックレイ/Seraphic Ray
・Dispels all party's debuffs, dispels all enemies buffs
・Grants BRV to self based on own 30% Max BRV,
2 times "3 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack"
+ 5 Hts AOE Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Dealt BRV damage x1.6 when attacking single target
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・Grants BRV to party based on 30% total dealt HP damage
・Last HP Attack hits, splash 20% HP damage
・Delays all enemies for 1 turn
・When hitting the target, launch target
・Grants [メタモルフォーゼ/Metamorphose] to self for 6 ACT
・Recast speed slightly slow

・ATK 20% up
・Max BRV 20% up
・BRV stolen overflow 20% up
・Dealt BRV damage 20% up
・When chasing, dealt HP damage 20% up
・[BRV Attack], [BRV Attack+] turns to [BRV Attack++]
・[HP Attack], [HP Attack+] turns to [HP Attack++]

◎BRV Attack++
・4 Hits Magic BRV Attack

◎HP Attack++
・3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Splash 20% HP damage

Bonus Sphere

スマッシュレイジングアタックアップ/Smash Raging Attack Up

・When self launching target, own ATK 2% up(up to 5 times)

LD - ヘヴンリーフィスト/Heavenly Fist

・2 times "6 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack"
+ 6 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack
+ Deals HP damage based on own current BRV(doesn't consumes BRV)
・Dealt BRV damage x1.6 when attacking single target
・200% BRV stolen overflow
・Grants BRV to party(except self) based on 50% total dealt HP damage
・Makes the party acts after self
・When hitting the target, launch target
・Grants [私も使命に挑んでみよ/I Shall Challenge The Focus As Well] to self for 9 ACT
・After using, free ability uses next turn(excludes some abilities)
・After using, [HP Attack], [HP Attack+], [HP Attack++] turns to [HP攻撃(ヘヴンリーフィスト)/HP Attack(Heavenly Fist)]
・Uses 4

◎HP攻撃(ヘヴンリーフィスト)/HP Attack(Heavenly Fist)
・Grants BRV to self based on own 20% Max BRV, 3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・120% BRV stolen overflow
・Splash 50% HP damage
・Delays target for 1 turn
・No action delay
・After using, turns back to previous [HP Attack], etc

※私も使命に挑んでみよ/I Shall Challenge The Focus As Well
・When self hitting the target, launch target
・Party dealt HP damage 10% up
・Own dealt HP damage 10% up(total 20%)
・When party chasing, dealt HP damage 20% up(Party total 30%, self 40%)
・[インパクトストライク/Impact Strike] turns to [インパクトストライク+/Impact Strike+]

◎インパクトストライク+/Impact Strike+
・Grants BRV to self based on own 20% Max BRV,
3 times "Ignores DEF 3 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack"
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・Each HP Attack(excludes last HP Attack), raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage
・After last HP Attack, raises own BRV based on 30% total dealt HP damage
・This attack treated as chase

LD Call Ability(with Rank Up)

ヘヴンリーフィスト【C】/Heavenly Fist[C]

When called for assistance, Cid performs the following actions:
・2 times "6 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack,
6 Hits AOE Magic BRV
+ Deals HP damage based on own current BRV(doesn't consumes BRV)
・Dealt BRV damage x1.6 when attacking single target
・200% BRV stolen overflow
・Grants BRV to party(except self) based on 50% total dealt HP damage
・Makes the party(except the caller) acts after the caller
・When hitting the target, launch target
・Triggers [インパクトストライク/Impact Strike], [インパクトストライク+/Impact Strike+] when condition met

After using, grants special buff for 2 ACT:
・When the caller hitting the target, launch target
・When chasing, party dealt HP damage 20% up
Call Ability
キャバルリーラッシュ【C】/Cavalry Rush[C]
When called for assistance, Cid performs the following actions:
・6 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Grants BRV to party(except self) based on dealt HP damage
・When hitting the target, launch target
・Triggers [インパクトストライク/Impact Strike], [インパクトストライク+/Impact Strike+] when condition met

スマッシュアタックアップ【C】/Smash Attack Up[C]
When using CA to launch target:
・Own ATK up(S) for 6 ACT

キャバルリーラッシュ【C】ランクアップ/Cavalry Rush[C] Rank Up
When using [キャバルリーラッシュ【C】/Cavalry Rush[C]]:
・150% BRV stolen overflow
・BRV grant based on dealt HP damage up(S)
・Selected party member acts after the caller

7* Armor
・Own dealt BRV damage limit 15% up(up to 11,498)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 15% up(up to 114,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

7* Armor Realize
・Own dealt BRV damage limit 4% up(up to 11,898)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 4% up(up to 118,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

・Own dealt BRV damage limit 4% up(up to 12,298)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 4% up(up to 122,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

・Own dealt BRV damage limit 4% up(up to 12,698)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 4% up(up to 126,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999
・Own dealt BRV damage limit 8% up(up to 13,498)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 8% up(up to 134,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

Crystal Awakening


聖府警備軍の将校/Guardian Corps Brigadier General

・When launching target, own Initial BRV, Max BRV, ATK, DEF up(S) for 8 ACT



ブーストオール/Boost All
・Party Max BRV up(S) for 3 ACT


ブーストオールエクステンド/Boost All Extend
When using [ブーストオール/Boost All]:
・Party Max BRV up effect up(S)

Bloom Stone

ブーストオールグロース/Boost All

・Uses + 1(Max 2)
・Duration + 2(Max 5 Actions)



ルインガストームパワー/Ruinga Storm Power

[ルインガストーム/Ruinga Storm] dealt BRV damage xx% up

★ 5%

★★ 10%

キャバルリーラッシュパワー/Cavalry Rush Power

[キャバルリーラッシュ/Cavalry Rush] dealt BRV damage xx% up

★ 5%

★★ 10%

聖府警備軍の将校アップ/Guardian Corps Brigadier General Up

When launching target, own Initial BRV, Max BRV, ATK, DEF xx% up for 8 ACT

★ 2%

★★ 5%



HPダメージガードアップ/HP Damage Guard Up

When receiving HP damage, own DEF xx% up for 1 ACT

★ 10%

★★ 20%

 7* Armor
・Party dealt BRV damage limit 5% up(up to 10,498)
・Own Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 10% up(up to 109,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

7* Armor Realize
・Party dealt BRV damage limit 3% up(up to 10,798)
・Party Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 1% up(Self up to 110,998. Others up to 100,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

・Party dealt BRV damage limit 3% up(up to 11,098)
・Party Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 1% up(Self up to 111,998. Others up to 101,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

・Party dealt BRV damage limit 3% up(up to 11,398)
・Party Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 1% up(Self up to 112,998. Others up to 102,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999
・Party dealt BRV damage limit 6% up(up to 11,998)
・Party Max BRV, dealt HP damage limit 2% up(Self up to 114,998. Others up to 104,998)
※Max BRV limit up effect only applies when BRV can exceed 99999

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