Emperor BT本日15:00より「神・幻獣界 ~ラムウ~」が開催⚡️— DFFオペラオムニア公式 (@DFF_OperaOmnia) July 31, 2020
※動画は3人とも恩恵アリ🌟#DFF_OO pic.twitter.com/9fgoRgE93o
絶対支配/Absolute Control
・15 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・100% HP damage
・BRV damage limit 20% up(up to 11998)
・Overflow, HP damage limit 80% up(up to 179998)
・Inflicts [リペンテンスの棘/Thorns of Repentance] to target for 1 Action
・After using, grants Burst effect for 4 Actions
<Burst Effect>
・Party BRV damage 30% up, BRV damage limit 20% up(up to 11998)
・When the target has debuffs, BRV damage 30% up
・After HP Attacking the target inflicted with debuffs, raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage(1 time 1 turn)
※Same char.BT effect doesn't stack
◎リペンテンスの棘/Thorns of RepentanceAfter [リペンテンスの棘/Thorns of Repentance] expires, triggers [リペンテンスの棘/Thorns of Repentance]
・Ignores DEF 5 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・120% Overflow
・100% HP damage
・Raises own BRV based on 10% total dealt HP damage
・Delay the target 1 turn
・Can't launch with this attack
LD Board
Extend - 恐怖の破壊兵器エクステンド
When using [フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale]:
・"8 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack" becomes "3 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack + 5 Hits Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack", total BRV damage up(L)
・Extends [征服の策/Measure of Conquest] duration by 4 Actions
・[征服の策/Measure of Conquest] ATK up effect 20% up
・While [征服の策/Measure of Conquest] is active, own BRV doesn't fall below than 10% Max BRV
[フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale] BRV damage 10% up
[フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale] Overflow 10% up
When there's enemy with debuffs, [フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale] BRV damage 10% up
[フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale] BRV damage 5% up
[フィアトルネード/Hellish Gale] Overflow 5% up
[BRV Attack+++], [HP Attack+++] BRV damage 20% up
LD CA フィアトルネード【C】/Hellish Gale[C]
When called for assistance, Emperor performs the following actions:
・Own ATK 20% up, triggers [雷の紋章/Thunder Crest], [スティックボム/Beckoning Blast], [メランコリアの檻/Dreary Cell]
・After, 3 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack + 5 Hits AOE Magic BRV Attack + single HP Attack
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・180% Overflow
・Last HP Attack Hit, 50% total HP damage to other enemies
Celes LD明日15:00より「神・幻獣界 ~ラムウ~」が開催予定⚡️— DFFオペラオムニア公式 (@DFF_OperaOmnia) July 30, 2020
※動画は3人とも恩恵アリ🌟#DFF_OO pic.twitter.com/mjYqTpfJKU
フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive
・3 Hits Ice AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack + 8 Hits Ice AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage up(M)
・180% Overflow
・Split HP damage
・Recover party HP(M) based on total dealt HP damage(up to 35% Max HP)
・Grants BRV to party based on total dealt HP damage
・First HP Attack, inflicts [氷耐性ダウン/Ice Resist Down] to target for 4 Action
・Inflicts [魔導の氷塊/Magitek Ice Block] to target for 3 Actions, [ターゲット固定/Taunt] to target for 4 Actions
・Extends [魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb] duration by 1 Actions, increases 2 stacks(Max 5)
・Triggers additional attack to target with [魔導の氷塊/Magitek Ice Block] after their turns
◎魔導の氷塊/Magitek Ice Block
・Grants BRV to self based on own Int BRV, 3 Hits Ice Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Recover party HP(S) based on total dealt HP damage(up to 10% Max HP)
・Grants BRV to party based on total dealt HP damage
・Can't launch with this attack
・Own ATK 30% up
・Party ATK 10% up
・[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] BRV damage 10% up
・Own ATK 30% up
・Party ATK 10% up
・At the starts of quest, grants 1 stack of [魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb](Max 5) to self for 6 Actions
・When using [フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive], extends [魔導の氷塊//Magitek Ice Block] duration by 3 Actions(3 ⇒ 6 Actions)
・Own ATK 30% up
・Party ATK 10% up
・[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] uses + 1
LD Board
Extend - 人造魔導士の妙技エクステンド
When using [フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive]:
・Total BRV damage up(L)
・Overflow 20% up
・After first HP Attack, raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage
・Extends [魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb] duration by 1 Action
[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] BRV damage 10% up
[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] Overflow 20%
When inflicting debuff with [フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive], BRV damage 10% up
[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] BRV damage 5% up
[フリーズダイブ/Freeze Dive] Overflow 10% up
[魔導の氷塊//Magitek Ice Block] BRV damage 20% up
LD CA フリーズダイブ【C】/Freeze Dive[C]
When called for assistance, Celes performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV 70% up, 3 Hits Ice AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack + raises own BRV based on 20% total dealt HP damage + 8 Hits Ice AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・Split HP damage
・When there's only 1 target, BRV damage x1.6
・200% Overflow
・Recover party HP based on 50% total dealth HP damage(up to 35% Max HP)
・Grants BRV to party based on 20% total dealt HP damage
・First HP Attack, inflicts [氷耐性ダウン/Ice Resist Down] to target for 4 Actions
・Inflicts [魔導の氷塊/Magitek Ice Block] to target for 3 Actions, [ターゲット固定/Taunt] to target for 4 Actions
・Triggers additional attack to target with [魔導の氷塊【C】/Magitek Ice Block[C]] after their turns
◎魔導の氷塊【C】/Magitek Ice Block[C]
・3 Hits Ice Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Recover party HP based on 20% total dealt HP damage(up to 10% Max HP)
・Grants BRV to party based on 20% total dealt HP damage
・Can't launch with this attack
スティックボム&フレアーコンボエクステンド/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo Extend
・ [スティックボム&フレアーコンボ/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo] uses + 1 (Max 9 ⇒ 10)
When using [スティックボム&フレアーコンボ/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo]:
・BRV damage up(XL)
・120% ⇒ 150% Overflow
・120% ⇒ 150% Overflow
・Turn delay down
雷の紋章&ダークゲイザーエクステンド/Thunder Crest & Stygian Swell Extend
・[雷の紋章&ダークゲイザー/Thunder Crest & Stygian Swell] uses + 2 (Max 6 ⇒ 8)
・Turn delay down*EX recast speed increased to compensate lowered turn delay
HPダメージガードアップ/HP Damage Guard Up ⇒ HPダメージアタックアップ/HP Damage Attack Up
・When receiving HP damage, own ATK 10% for 1 Action
BRVスピードアップ/BRV Speed Up ⇒ バフブーストアップ/Buff Speed Up
・When self has buffs, own Max BRV 10% up
BRVリーブ/BRV Live ⇒ BRVガードアップ/BRV Guard Up
・When own Max BRV 50% or more, own DEF 30% up
HPダメージガードアップ/HP Damage Guard Up ⇒ HPダメージアタックアップ/HP Damage Attack Up
・When receiving HP damage, own ATK 10% for 1 Action
BRVスピードアップ/BRV Speed Up ⇒ バフブーストアップ/Buff Speed Up
・When self has buffs, own Max BRV 10% up
BRVリーブ/BRV Live ⇒ BRVガードアップ/BRV Guard Up
・When own Max BRV 50% or more, own DEF 30% up
シャインエッジエクステンド/Shine Edge Extend
・[シャインエッジ/Shine Edge] uses + 3(Max 7 ⇒ 9)
・Recover party HP based on 80% total dealt HP damage(up to 25% Max HP)
・Inflicts [氷耐性ダウン/Ice Resist Down] to all enemies for 4 Actions
・[シャインエッジ/Shine Edge] uses + 3(Max 7 ⇒ 9)
・Recover party HP based on 80% total dealt HP damage(up to 25% Max HP)
・Inflicts [氷耐性ダウン/Ice Resist Down] to all enemies for 4 Actions
魔封剣エクステンド/Runic Extend
・When using [魔封剣/Runic], grants BRV to party based on own 200% Int BRV + 2 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack(BRV Attack becomes 2 Hits, total BRV damage up(S))
※魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb(no changes based on stacks)
・Grants [物理ダメージ30%軽減/30% Physical Damage Reduction] to self
・Grants [エンチャント・氷/Enchant Ice], [HPダメージ30%軽減/30% HP Damage Reduction] to party
・[ターゲット固定/Taunt] becomes AOE
・When using [魔封剣/Runic], grants BRV to party based on own 200% Int BRV + 2 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack(BRV Attack becomes 2 Hits, total BRV damage up(S))
※魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb(no changes based on stacks)
・Grants [物理ダメージ30%軽減/30% Physical Damage Reduction] to self
・Grants [エンチャント・氷/Enchant Ice], [HPダメージ30%軽減/30% HP Damage Reduction] to party
・[ターゲット固定/Taunt] becomes AOE
◎HP Attack+(while [魔法BRV吸収/Magic BRV Absorb] is active)
・2 Hits Ice Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack(BRV Attack becomes 2 Hits, total BRV damage up(M))
・Raises own BRV based on 10% total dealt HP damage ⇒ Grants BRV to party based on 20% total dealt HP damage
・Inflicts [ターゲット固定/Taunt] to target for 2 Actions
・Inflicts [ターゲット固定/Taunt] to target for 2 Actions
Call Ability
When called for assistance, Yuffie performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV up(S), grants BRV to self based on target current BRV, 4 Hits Long Range BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Dispels 1 buffs randomly from target
デバフサクセスブーストオール【C】/Debuff Success Boost All[C]
When inflicting debuff using CA:
・When successfully inflicts debuffs, party Max BRV up(XS) for 6 Actions
いただき!【C】ランクアップ/Snatch[C] Rank Up
When using [いただき!【C】/Snatch[C]]:
・Increases the number of buff dispel by 1
・After granting BRV, before BRV Attack, reduces target BRV to 0
・180% Overflow
When called for assistance, Selphie performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV up(L), grants [ウォール/Wall], [Initial BRV Up(XL)] to party(exclude self) for 3 Actions
・Grants BRV to party based on own Max BRV
フルHPブーストオール【C】/Full HP Boost All[C]
When using CA:
・Party Max BRV up(XS) for 6 Actions
ウォール【C】ランクアップ/Wall[C] Rank Up
When using [ウォール【C】/Wall[C]]:
・Grants BRV based on Max BRV up(S)
・Extends [ウォール/Wall], [Initial BRV Up(XL)] duration by 3 Actions
HPリジェネ【C】/HP Regen[C]
When called for assistance, Eiko performs the following actions:
・Grants BRV to party based on own Initial BRV + HP Attack
・Recover party HP(M) based on total dealt HP damage(up to 20% Max HP)
・Converts excess recovered HP to BRV
・Grants [HPリジェネ/HP Regen], [ATK Up(M)], [Max BRV Up(M)] to party(exclude self) for 3 Actions
フルHPベースアップ【C】/Full HP Base Up[C]
When own HP Max and using CA:
・Own Initial BRV up(S) for 6 Actions
HPリジェネ【C】ランクアップ/HP Regen[C] Rank Up
When using [HPリジェネ【C】/HP Regen[C]]:
・Grants BRV based on Initial BRV up(M)
・Extends [HPリジェネ/HP Regen], [ATK Up(M)], [Max BRV Up(M)] duration by 3 Actions
ムンバ・ザ・ファイア+【C】/Fire Moomba+[C]
When called for assistance, Lulu performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV, ATK up(S), grants [エンチャント・火/Enchant Fire] to self + 3 Hits Fire AOE Magic BRV Attack + AOE HP Attack
・Split HP damage
・Grants [エンチャント・火/Enchant Fire] to party(exclude self) for 3 Actions
ウィークブーストオール【C】/Weak Boost All[C]
When using BRV Attack CA:
・If the target has debuffs, party Max BRV up(XS) for 6 Actions
ムンバ・ザ・ファイア+【C】ランクアップ/Fire Moomba+[C] Rank Up
When using [ムンバ・ザ・ファイア+【C】/Fire Moomba+[C]]:
・150% Overflow
・Extends [エンチャント・火/Enchant Fire] duration by 3 Actions
EmperorC.Lv75スティックボム&フレアーコンボ【C】/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo[C]
When called for assistance, Emperor performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV up(S), 4 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Inflicts [スティックボム/Beckoning Blast] to target for 1 Actions
When [スティックボム/Beckoning Blast] expires, triggers [スティックボム/Beckoning Blast]
◎スティックボム/Beckoning Blast
・4 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・120% Overflow
・Inflicts [SPD Down(S)] to target for 4 Actions
・Can't launch with this attack
デバフサクセスアタックアップ【C】/Debuff Success Attack Up[C]
When inflicting debuff using CA:
・When successfully inflicts debuffs, party ATK up(S) for 6 Actions
スティックボム&フレアーコンボ【C】ランクアップ/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo[C] Rank Up
When using [スティックボム&フレアーコンボ【C】/Beckoning Blast & Flare Combo[C]]:
・BRV damage up(M)
・150% Overflow
When called for assistance, Celes performs the following actions:
・Own Max BRV up(L), grants BRV to party based on own Initial BRV
・Inflicts [ターゲット固定/Taunt] to target for 2 Actions
・2 Hits Magic BRV Attack + HP Attack
・Raises caller BRV based on 30% total dealt HP damage
ブレイクヒットプロテクトオール【C】/Break Hit Protect All[C]
When using CA, breaking or attacking broken target:
・Party received HP damage down(S) for 3 Actions
魔封剣【C】ランクアップ/Runic[C] Rank Up
When using 魔封剣【C】/Runic[C]:
・120% Overflow
・Extends [ターゲット固定/Taunt] duration by 2 Actions
・After using, extends special effect duration by 3 Actions
Summon Blessing Lv30
Max BRV 15% up, when Max HP 80% or more, DEF 40% up ⇒ Max BRV 15% up, if Max HP 80% or less even once, DEF 80% up
ATK 15% up, when BRV less than Initial BRV, SPD 20% up ⇒ ATk 15% up, SPD 20% up, recast speed up
All enemies ATK 15% down, Break Bonus BRV gained from breaking target 10% up(Max 100%) ⇒ All enemies ATK 15% down, Break Bonus BRV gained from breaking target 50% up(Max 200%)
7* Armors
・Party BRV damage limit 5% up(up to 10498)
・Own BRV, HP damage limit 10% up(up to 10998)
・All enemies Initial BRV, Max BRV, ATK 10% down, DEF 20% down
・Own BRV, HP damage limit 10% up(up to 10998)
・Party BRV damage limit 5% up(up to 10498)
・Own BRV, HP damage limit 10% up(up to 10998)
・Party ATK 5% up
・Own BRV, HP damage limit 5% up(up to 104998)
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