Leviathan's movement when flying in the air not played with motion that was created before but from program. This program originally for moving 6th Sector green park's swing but modified for Leviathan.
The game runs in 30fps but when in loading screen, raises to around 300fps. Raising the framerate makes the loading time shorter
Early Summon system.
Summon used special moves after summoned.
The player must press button continuosly to consume the caster's ATB gauge or the Summon doesn't move
Refocus/Vision in JP.
Originally is a special limit related to the story. It stops time beside the caster so you can move freely. Aerith's default materia [Refocus/Vision] name came from that
Barret's limit [Catastrophe]
Originally shoot the ground where enemy is and explode, the explosion deal damage. But some place that don't have ground can't cause explosion so they changed it
All the effects in the game based on Buster Sword's effect. For example the sparks, volume
Summon's presentation
Uses special shader(shadow, color, etc) to show how different the Summon. Because of various reasons, TGS trailer's Ifrit only had a few of the effect
Toriyama Motomu(Co-director) said Cloud can dance because dance is a part of the Soldier's test
Sephiroth's identity in every scene
Sephiroth's illusion. Only seen by Cloud
Black(Black Mant)
Black hooded man appears as Sephiroth
Past Sephiroth
Not black hooded man but seen as Sephiroth by others aside Cloud
The very last Sephiroth that asked Cloud to join refer himself with [Ore(JP)/I] like in the past 5 years before meeting Jenova.
Usually he refer to himself with [Watashi(JP)/I]
*Generally speaking, ore is a word that implies self-assertion, that is, it implies an air of confidence, superiority, importance. It means you're full of yourself, except just a little bit full of yourself.
*The word watashi is the most basic way to say "I" in Japanese. Anyone can use it, male, female, young and old, and it doesn't carry a lot of nuance with it, at least not by itself.
Although watashi is supposed to be neutral, it can sound feminine by comparison.
For example, if everybody around you is using ore 俺, a masculine pronoun, and you're the only guy using watashi 私, you're then using a less masculine pronoun than everyone else, in other words, you're using a feminine pronoun.
Early scenario Chapter 8. Aerith's house.
Proposal: Cloud made flower bucket and carried the flower with wagon(Crisis Core) as tribute. But rejected because at that time in the story, Zack's story can't be touched yet
Chapter 3 rejected proposal. [Alone at last] quest
Can examine various things in Tifa's room. When Cloud examined **, found Tifa's **
Every characters has adjustments until the development finished.
Tifa's face had the most changes
Malboro based on avocado and gourd
Wanted durian to base it on but when attaching the thorns, the data becomes extensive
Wedge's cats have similar features except the tail's color. One other thing to differentiate is the eyes color. Check the eyes color in Chapter 4 when the cats's faces line up
They only used half of City and Slum's residents model. There're a lot of other characters data beside the one we saw in game.
Remake Part 2. Animation Director want to increase the quality with the char. motion, connecting field and battle smoothly. Part 1 field and battle divided to express original ver.atmosphere. He want to make it more seamless.
Characters hair, clothes sways when blowing by the wind, Cloud's hair too when in cutscene and that took time and effort. The spiky hair splits to many parts, to make it Cloud-ish, they adjust it in every scene.
Aerith's house door bigger than the other houses door. Because of that, they made exclusive motion just for that door for Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith.
At the beginning, when Jessie's says [Just Kidding!(Don't know what she says in English)] she made strange face but it was judged badly so they made it to the current one(sticking her tongue out cutely)
4th Sector Plate.
Created to explain why slums have light shining from above(in the original ver.)
Usually a game has 150 or less High Quality Event Scene, this game has almost 600 scenes. It was hard to keep the quality with that amount of scenes
1 person did Cloud and Corneo motion capture
E3 2019 PV
Underground sewer where Cloud and Tifa fighting Sahagin.
At the beginning, to record that scene, the drainage pump mechanism must be finished but the mechanism at the prototype stage was too hard, no one can record that scene.
Late development phase.
To check for sound bug, they make Cloud to walk in circle and leave it like that for the day.
The next day, because of different bug, Cloud floating and walking horizontally.
Maybe it's hard to notice, when battling in wait mode, the SFX becomes slower too in real time. It might be interesting, please turn off the BGM and try it
OP movie sound.
At the beginning, they planned to make it the same as original ver. In early movie, it's hard to establish without expanding the sound. So, they changed the cutscene in the movie and become the current OP.
Midgar overall shot is the most time consuming.
The staffs made too much detail that made the data size too big, and that caused no progress to the movie's process
Opening movie Midgar plate bigger than in the original ver. Approximately x1.5. There were a time it's bigger x2 but rejected because overdid it
One BGM has various arrangement. If you counted all the variation, it has more than 350 BGM.
Midgar size is different in each VII Compilation. In original, it's as tall as Tokyo Tower. In remake, it's as tall as Tokyo Skytree. The most bigger Midgar was in FFVII Advent Children. Bike scene, if it was in original size, Cloud would've been already disappear in a few seconds.
The sign on Jessy's father Shinra employee ID chosen and voted from sign written by the localization team.
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